G&S Bross is a firm based in Buenos Aires city, Argentina, dedicated to manufacture, distribution and sale of Nuts & Saddles for resellers, wholesalers and music industry.

Exclusive distribution and Sale of D'Antonio ™ products.



  • We offer development of different models of nuts and saddle for string instruments according to customer needs.
  • We development plastic compounds specially formulated for customer needs.
  • Die-casting, design and construction of molds and dies for plastic injection based on plan or 3d and 2d design.
  • Design of flat and / or design 2 d and 3 d.
  • Technical assessment to improve acoustic and classic guitars.

Thermoplastics are materials that at relatively high temperatures, become deformable, rigid or flexible, melt when heated and harden into a glass transition state when sufficiently cooled.

Most thermoplastics are high molecular weight polymers, possessing chains associated by means of weak Van der Walls forces with strong dipole-dipole interactions and hydrogenated bonds, or even stacked aromatic rings.

Thermoplastic polymers differ from thermos rigid ones in that, after heating, they can be molded and in certain cases form other objects.

In conclusion, these materials give us the possibility of combining them with loads of different origin and attribute , which provide specific property to the required formulations in order to obtain the appropriate response to our requirements.

Today and thanks to the characteristics above exposed, every day more and more manufacturers are interested in and adopt thermoplastics for the manufacture of parts related to the transmission of mechanical energy in musical instruments.

Technology's development linked to the industry and the innovative flow of application models of these opens the door to new possibilities of development, cost and performance linked to the music industry.

We are proud to be part of this time of changes in concepts and paradigms in this area, offering customized formulations to manufacturers in order to reach the best product - service and bring improvements to the always innovative music industry.

Sincerely yours,
Sergio and Gabriela Caseres from GyS Bross.